Since its foundation in Balingen in 1951, The jug & Priester GmbH & Co. KG has risen to number 1 in sales and distribution.
of document shredders for the professional sector and small-format stack cutters.
The company sells successfully in 140 countries in the following business areas:
IDEAL Shredding, IDEAL Cutting, IDEAL Health und IDEAL Components.

Approximately 170,000 appliances are produced annually on 25,000 square metres directly in Balingen, whereby the vertical range of manufacture of the fully integrated production is 90 percent.

The quality is in the detail.

For the best products, you need the best materials. With K&P you can be sure that only tried and tested raw materials are used:
from the quality steel for cutting units and cutting blades to the smallest screw. Details also make the difference in the application.
You can't see the intelligent technology, but you can feel it: products from Krug & Priester are
particularly easy and convenient to use, giving you more time for the essentials every day.